10 November, 2008

Apparently, it's winter... I didn't get the memo

So, it snowed roughly 4 inches today (give or take). I was not aware that November is considered winter these days, but apparently it is. I was in the Springs most of the day today running errands and dr. appointments and it sprinkled rain while I was there but as soon as you hit the outskirts of town... watch out! It was a bilizard! (at least to my Arkansas eyes, it was a bilizard). The roads really weren't that bad. It was just snow... no ice so it wasn't too slippery unless you hit your breaks too fast or turned the wheel too fast. They had snow plows out at 4:00 or so. BUT let me tell you that snow on a dirt road is a different story. I have never experienced this phenomona... it was exciting.

I stopped off at my school on the way home to grab some stuff to do tonight. Our parking lot is dirt. I was very thankful that no one was there. Much more slippery than I expected. Then you also have to consider that the roads that Jamie and I live on are, in fact, dirt. Turning isn't the most pleasant thing I've ever done on a dirt road. Let's just say I prayed a LOT while on the dirt roads today.

Jamie and I have debated back and forth if we will have school tomorrow. If we were back at home in Arkansas, we wouldn't have school for 2 or 3 days. We figure we'll have school tomorrow. I guess we'll find out in the morning!

Other exciting news: We bought my wedding ring this weekend! It's beautiful. It's stunning with my solitare diamond. Here's the link:


Yep, it's winter. And it's November. And I need snow shoes BADLY.

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