15 March, 2009

LIfe... for the past, oh 6 months

So, I thought that maybe I should let the world know what is happening in our lives since I've failed to do that in, well... months. oops.

So here we go.

1. Life has been a blur. Maybe that's why I haven't updated. Jamie has had wrestling every weekend since we got back from Christmas break and I've filled my time with random things like cleaning, school work, and occasional shopping. This past weekend they had a tournament at home and I got to be the announcer. It was fun feeling like I knew what was going on (even though most of the time I didn't) people sure thought i know what I was doing!

2. We got a puppy. Now THAT my friends is where most of my time has gone to. We got her two days before Valentine's day because one of the moms of a kid in my class was trying to get rid of these puppies for her neighbor.... she brought the last two of the litter up to school and another teacher got one and so this one little lone puppy was left. Well, I learned that the people were going to put the little puppy to sleep if they couldn't find her a home within the week. So, I came home to Jamie and told him about the whole situation and we went and got her that night. After all, who could resist such a cute little face? (meaning Tonks' face... not Jamie's :) )

She's just a BIT excited in this one...

And then to add on to all of that... our wedding is less than three months away (holy cow!) so I'm trying to get ready for that. School has been NUTS. Spring Break is next week so we are attempting to start packing for that AND I'm looking for a new job next year (my principal knows so I figure I'm safe in saying that right?) So, life is just a TAD busy these days. So that's us! Maybe I'll update sooner next time!

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