17 December, 2008


I've been working out with a couple of friends for roughly a month now. We intend to keep it going for as long as possible. I'm not really working out for any reason other than I know that it's good for me and I LOVE how i feel after i work out.

We are doing this circuit work out. Basically, we have all of these different exercises and we start out with a high weight and only do 5-7 reps, then we lower the weight and do 10-15 reps, and then we lower the weight one more time and do 20-25 reps. And let me tell you it's hard! I'm constantly sore! But i love it! I know it's working and that makes me feel good as silly as it is. We are going to do a weight loss workout in a couple of months and I'm looking forward to that as well. It's fun. And I figure it can't hurt since I am, in fact, getting married in less than 6 months now!!! :)

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